



  • in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.

Welcome to Nebulous, an independently run literary magazine based around dream writing. It was created with the belief that dreams are the purest representations of our minds- and in writing about and sharing them, we can explore a deeper understanding of ourselves and the people around us. We wanted to create a platform where people can investigate their dreams- whether they are nightmares, daydreams, or any lucid experience. It might get weird, and we hope it stays that way.


Submissions are currently open. We take all kinds of submissions: art, prose, poetry, videos, music- if it comes from the world of your dreams, send it our way. Please check the submissions page for more information.


While we do not want to charge for submissions, every little bit helps this small magazine get started. More information to follow.

About the Editor-In-Chief

Emily Neves is a 21-year-old vertebrate from Long Island. She just recently graduated from Sarah Lawrence college with a B.A. in Liberal Arts, and a concentration in Creative Writing. She considers herself multi-genre and multi-medium; she’s done comic strips, sculptures, scripts, and even interactive fiction games. Her writing tends to lean towards the sublime and absurd, with hints of existentialist-based panic thrown about. She also loves to write about flowers. If her prose is about death and decay, her poetry is about nature and love. Her nonfiction is rarely about herself. You can read more at her personal blog: Emily Rose’s Babble.